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Communications Coordinator

Jessica Blancas
509.787.4571 ext. 3106

The communications department supports schools and students by coordinating communication with families, staff and our community.

Social Media

We connect with our community through Facebook and Instagram. Follow us to get the latest news and information. 

Social Media Guidelines:

The goal of social media pages is to share as much as possible about the achievements of our employees, students, and school community, as well as to broadcast relevant and timely information about the page.

While we strive to engage in an open and respectful dialogue, all posting of comments on social media pages are at the discretion of the page administrators. The intent of this policy isn’t to keep any negative or critical information from being posted, but to protect the privacy and rights of QSD staff and students. 

We welcome comments and look forward to what people have to say. 

Below are types of posts that go against our policy:

  • Posts naming specific employees or students in a negative way
  • Posts that break the law or encourage others to do so. This includes respecting copyright and fair use laws. If you are talking about somebody else’s work, reference this or the person, and include a link where possible.
  • Posts that contain abusive or inappropriate language or statements. This includes remarks that are violent, racist, homophobic and/or sexist, as well as those that contain obscenities or are sexually explicit.
  • Post that easily identify students and/or staff in defamatory, abusive, or generally negative terms. Please be respectful of others. Personal attacks or comments that are deemed offensive to any member of our community will not be tolerated.
  • Posts that do not show proper consideration for others’ privacy or are considered likely to offend or provoke others – i.e. don’t pick fights or goad others into inflammatory debates. Nobody likes a bully.
  • Spam posts – i.e. repeatedly posting the same comment or comments that are simply advertising/promoting a service or product or are needlessly repetitive.
  • Posts that are completely off topic or blatantly inaccurate. This is a happy place, dedicated to the Quincy community. Let’s keep the conversation positive and related to QSD and/or your page.

Page administrators reserve the right to not post or remove any comments at any time, for any reason, as well as to ban users who disregard these rules…but we hope that won’t ever be necessary.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Jessica Blancas, Communications Coordinator at

Request a Social Media Account

QSD staff members are allowed to manage social media accounts that represent schools, departments, programs, athletic teams and clubs. If you would like the district to create a social media page that you will manage, please click here.

Family Notifications

 Using robocalls, text messages and emails, we keep families up-to-date with the latest information about their children's school. Check with your school office to make sure your contact information is current in our student information system. 


We publish several print and electronic publications: 


We manage the content on the district website and assist with content management for all schools. To report content issues, contact the Quincy School District Administration Office.

Flyer Distribution

To distribute flyers at our schools, please click HERE for more information. 

Request to use QSD Branding 

Any third-party organization seeking to use the Quincy School Districts' trade name or trademarks for commercial use must obtain written authorization from the Quincy School District. Click here for more Information.