Flyer Distribution
QSD Flyer/Poster Distribution Requirement
The disclaimer below must be on any flyer/poster distributed/posted within Quincy School District:
Quincy School District does not sponsor or endorse this event/information nor does the district assume any liability for it. In consideration of the privilege to distribute materials, the Quincy School District will be held harmless from any cause of action filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials, including costs, attorney’s fees and judgments or awards. El Distrito Escolar de Quincy no patrocina ni aprueba este evento/información, ni asume el distrito responsabilidad por ello. En consideración del privilegio para distribuir materiales, el Distrito Escolar de Quincy se mantendrá indemne de cualquier acción tomada en cualquier corte o tribunal administrativo a causa de la distribución de esta materia, incluyendo costos, cuota para abogados, juicios o premios.
Completed forms and a copy of the proposed flyer/poster can be:
Emailed to or dropped off at the Quincy School District Office, 404 1st AVE SW Quincy.
Print an ENGLISH form
Print a SPANISH form
Complete an online form - English and Spanish
Materials shall not:
- interfere with or inhibit classroom instruction or any school function
- promote the use of illicit drugs, alcohol, or tobacco
- Promote commercial enterprises not expressly authorized by the district
- promote hostility, disorder, or violence
- discriminate as described in Federal Title IX Guidelines
- be libelous
- be of a sexual nature
- proselytize or disparage religious beliefs
- promote or oppose any political candidate or cause
Materials shall:
- promote the academic, vocational, or social/civil/cultural growth of students
- contain an express disclaimer that the school and the school district do not endorse or sponsor the organization promoting the activity
- be screened for the appropriateness of its content, and may not contain any language proselytizing or disparaging religion
- be made available in designated quantities for students who do not have web access; and
- prominently display scholarship availability
If it is a school district sponsored event (ie: asb, school club, athletics), then the flyer/poster does NOT need to go through the pre-approval process.
• The FFA plant sale does NOT need to go through the QSD approval to post their flyer (School club)
• The organizers of the annual teacher Summer Institute does NOT need to go through the QSD approval to post (not targeting students). We do still request they come through us for confirmation though, so please ask them to come to the district office if someone drops them directly at your building.
For questions, call the district office at 787-4571.