Meal Application
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Food Service Director:
Meal Applications:
Child Nutrition Eligibility and Education Benefit (CNEEB) Application
Important Meal Information Changes
Due to the passing of House Bill 1878, our district is participating in a federal program called the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). This program allows all children in our school to eat at no charge. However, many of our educational programs are supported with state funds that are based on our Free and Reduced data.
The NEW meal application — also known as the Child Nutrition Eligibility and Education Benefit (CNEEB) application — combines the Free and Reduced Meal Application and the Family Income Survey into one universal form. This form helps us collect household information for all students attending CEP schools. The form will be mailed to families who are new to the district or are not directly certified for free/reduced meals but is also available below. If you receive/complete one, please take a moment to complete it and return to your child’s school.
*Household members do not have to be U.S. citizens for children to qualify for free or reduced-price meals.
Why complete the Child Nutrition Eligibility and Education Benefit (CNEEB) application?
Every form submission counts. Some school funding is based on family income data. Every eligible form submitted means dollars for your family and your schools.
Funds tied to Income surveys bring in money for your school to pay for:
- Before and after-school programs.
- Additional paraeducators and support staff.
- Family engagement staff and activities.
- Resources for classrooms, teachers and children.
Completing the form could also reduce your fees for:
- Athletics participation.
- ASB cards.
- Extracurricular activities.
Child Nutrition eligibility & education benefit application- English
aplicacion de Elegibilidad para Nutrición Infantil y Beneficios Educativos - Espanol
Consent to Share Program Eligibility Information
Any student that has been Directly Certified for free or reduced-price school meals or has a CNEEB application on file that meets the income guidelines of the Free/Reduced-Price Meal Application may be eligible for decreased fees to participate in other school programs. Families must complete the Consent to Share Program Eligibility Information form to allow your eligibility status to be shared for other program benefits. The form will be available at each school and in registration/check in packets for new families or click on the linked forms below: