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Welcome to the Quincy School District Transportation Department

The QSD Transportation Department’s top priorities are safety, efficiency, and reliability. We take pride in providing a seamless and secure transportation system for students, ensuring they have a comfortable journey to and from school. 

Riding the Bus

student on bus using smart atg



 Register to Ride the Bus for current school year

Returning bus riders - If your student(s) still has their SMARTtag card from last year, please have them bring it with them on the first day of school. 



Transportation News

School bus
As one of the foundations in our new Strategic Plan, Quincy School District would like to hear from you about how well our Transportation Services are currently serving your family. Your answers will be anonymous.
*Take one survey per household
Thank you for sharing your feelings.

Como uno de los fundamentos de nuestro nuevo Plan Estratégico, al Distrito Escolar de Quincy le gustaría escuchar su opinión acerca de lo bien que nuestros Servicios de Transporte están sirviendo actualmente a su familia. Sus respuestas serán anónimas.
 *Complete una encuesta por hogar.

Gracias por compartir sus sentimientos.